Is Your Phone Ruining Your Relationship?

Ok, it is true that I watched this video on my phone, and perhaps you did too. I am posting this video to encourage a conversation about staying present in our relationships. We have so many distractions available, it is hard to stay in the present moment. I am curious for each of us what the right balance is.

Do you turn off your phone at certain times to make sure you are available to your partner?

How do you handle texts and emails when you are out together?
Do you ever sit in silence together with no screens to look at?
Could your relationship with yourself benefit from more silence?

As a couples therapist, I help couples talk through their conflicts about phone and computer use regularly. Every couple needs to create their own culture around these issues, taking the preferences of both people into account. When a couple makes these choices and compromises consciously, they avoid falling into a default of being plugged in all of the time.

A good use for your phone: Find out how couples therapy can help. Call 510-826-3359 or schedule online now. 


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