Get Back on Track

Railroad tracks surrounded by trees and fog

What does it take to have an amazing relationship? It takes the same thing as being an amazing driver. You have to constantly correct yourself. When you’re driving down a road, you make a lot of small corrections with the steering wheel. There are a long list of helpful tools I share with couples, and you can’t possibly use them all, at least not all of the time. What you can do all of the time is have compassion for yourself, mistakes and all. Forgive yourself for your grouchy moments, your arguments, and your occasional relationship laziness. Without compassion for yourself, working on your relationship can be like going on a diet. Diets don’t work. You can stick with all of the tools for a little while, and then you say “enough already!”

When you have compassion for your mistakes and imperfections, you can ask for help and do the things that will get you back on track. Go to a couple’s workshop. Talk to your best friend, the one who supports and challenges you. Hire a babysitter so you can go on a date. Hire a couple’s therapist to get unstuck. Whatever it takes, set yourself up to succeed. Your relationship deserves it. All of the help listed above (combined) is a lot less expensive than the costs associated with ending a long-term relationship (married or not) or even the health costs of staying in a disconnected relationship.

Find out how couples therapy can help. Call us at 510-826-3359 or schedule online now.


“Contempt is Sulfuric Acid for Love” - John Gottman


Your Partner Needs to Change: What Do You Do?