Nothing is Ordinary - COVID19

Wooden dolls wearing face masks, distanced from each other.  Photographer: Evgeni Tcherkasski 2020

At a moment’s notice, we have been asked to entirely rethink our lives to respond to an insidious threat that is difficult to conceptualize. We are all reacting in real-time, having no choice but to catch each day as it lands. There is a range of feelings that we might vacillate wildly between scared, lonely, sad, connected, overwhelmed, to name a few.

While nothing is ordinary right now, please know that any and all reactions you might be experiencing are understandable. Our feelings may not match the situations we’re in like we might want them to, and they absolutely make sense! Be gentle with yourselves.

We’re figuring this out right alongside you. We’ll continue providing Online Counseling on our secure platform, and further our learning about cultivating even better therapeutic outcomes online. Please be vocal with your therapist about what your needs might be, and we’ll aim to be as flexible and responsive as possible. While we do have lots of resources to help people re-center themselves in the face of so much uncertainty and isolation, it’s important to say that there’s no right way to do this thing. We’re here to support you in figuring out what works for you.

Set up a time to talk with one of our therapist by scheduling online or get in touch by call or text at (510) 826-3359.


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