Appreciate Each Other This Week

Letter tiles on a table spelling out the words "thank you"

At The Bay Area Relationship Center, we teach couples to express fondness and admiration to each other regularly. Consider taking 10 minutes to do this exercise from the Gottman Institute with your partner at some point over the week.

Take a few minutes and think about your favorite things about your partner. Choose 3 qualities from this list (or make up your own) that describe your partner. For each quality you choose, think of an incident that demonstrates it. Share this with your partner, taking turns.

Loving, Sensitive, Brave, Intelligent, Thoughtful, Generous, Loyal, Truthful, Strong, Energetic, Sexy, Creative, Imaginative, Fun, Attractive, Interesting, Supportive, Funny, Considerate, Affectionate, Resourceful, Cheerful, Graceful, Elegant, Gracious, Playful, Caring, Exciting, Vulnerable, Committed, Expressive, Careful, Adventurous, Receptive, Reliable, Responsible, Dependable, Nurturing, Warm, Kind, Gentle, Witty, Relaxed, Beautiful, Handsome, Silly, Calm, A great friend, A great parent, Protective, Assertive, Sweet, Tender, Powerful, Flexible, Understanding.

The only way to do this exercise wrong is to judge what qualities your partner chooses. If you start to think “Hey, why didn’t she choose Strong instead of Loyal?” stop yourself and listen with an open heart.

Find out how couples therapy can help. Call us at 510-826-3359 or schedule a free consultation. 


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